The characteristics of laser welding

Using a laser welding machine to carry out welding jobs, both on a small and large scale, is a choice capable of guaranteeing countless advantages. Using the laser, in fact, it is possible to quickly obtain resistant and satisfactory welds from an aesthetic point of view, intervening with great precision even on points of the object that are normally difficult to reach. Let's see together how this technique works and what are the characteristics and peculiarities of a laser welding machine.

laser welding machine

Welding Laser: How it works

As the name implies, the laser welding technique is based on the use of a laser beam that transfers energy - in the form of heat - directly to the atoms of the material to be welded. In this way the material heats up and quickly reaches the melting temperature, creating the conditions for obtaining a particularly precise weld - because the amount of material that is melted is minimal - but at the same time also very resistant.

In this way it is possible to obtain thin or deep welds, depending on the different needs, causing a deformation of the starting material almost imperceptible to the eye and also acting on materials that would be complex and expensive to melt using heat.

The process of laser welding is relatively simple to describe, but there are a number of elements that can influence the final result and which must be carefully considered when choosing and then using a laser welding machine. The laser beam, for example, can be calibrated at different powers, which vary according to the type of material to be treated. Each material, in fact, absorbs the energy transferred by the laser beam in a different way, and in order for the welding to be precise it is necessary to make a correct assessment of the absorption capacity of the metal being worked, setting the parameters present on the touchscreen accordingly. Steel, for example, has a much greater absorption capacity than other metals such as aluminum or silver, and this means that it is possible to weld steel using calibrated lasers at a lower power than is necessary for welding other metals, especially if they are reflective.

Another important element to take into consideration is the precision level of the laser beam. In fact, to be effective, the laser must be focused and hit a very small surface (called keyhole), in order to act in a timely and rapid manner, allowing the material to be melted in a very short time. To achieve this result, the laser beam, once emitted, is conveyed through a lens, which minimizes the diameter of the action and consequently makes the welding operation faster.

The choice of the laser welding machine that best suits your needs must take into account all these parameters, since the speed of action and the power of the laser used radically influence the type of work that can be completed, both from the point of qualitative (types of materials treated) and quantitative (number of pieces welded per hour).

laser welding machine mega200

The fields of application of laser welding

The laser can be used with satisfaction in a great variety of sectors, since this technology allows to melt different types of materials, such as:

  • Steel (also stainless steel)
  • Aluminum
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Copper
  • Bronze
  • Nickel
  • Titanium
  • Platinum
  • Palladium

This means that a laser welding machine can be used profitably in a wide variety of different areas, ranging from goldsmiths to the automotive industry, passing through many other artisanal and industrial sectors.

The advantages of laser welding

Using the laser to carry out welding works is advantageous from many points of view. In fact, the laser is:


precisePrecise: using the laser guarantees extremely satisfactory results from an aesthetic point of view, since the deformation of the object is minimal thanks to the ability of the laser to act extremely precisely.


Versatile: the laser can be used to weld on very small portions of objects, but also on large thicknesses, according to the needs. In addition, with the laser it is possible to weld countless different materials, modifying the intensity of the beam if necessary.



Fast: using the laser allows welding to be carried out in less time than necessary with alternative techniques, such as microflame; the concentration of the energy of the laser beam in a very small portion of the material to be treated allows excellent results to be obtained with the minimum investment of energy, and makes it possible to avoid thermal treatments in sequence.

effectiveEffective: the welds made with the laser are extremely resistant, and the speed with which they are carried out does not in any way reduce the solidity of the final result.

safeSafe: unlike other techniques, the use of the laser allows you to obtain a welding without the need to heat the entire object being treated. In this way, it is also possible to intervene on particularly delicate objects (for example, antique jewelry) without the risk of damaging them in any way and without making the intervention less effective.


If you want to know more about the potential of a laser welding machine, consult our catalog and contact us for more precise information on the characteristics and performance guaranteed by our welding machines!

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