Gold work & Jewelry
Reference in the gold sector, ElettroLaser offers laser solutions for welding, marking, cutting and engraving.
Using our Master series lasers for welding in Nd:YAG with wavelength of 1064nm, it is possible to perform microwelds of unrivaled quality and precision.
For continuous use, bulky materials or simply for intensive silver welding, we have also developed the Mega series.
Precision, speed, minimum heat increase, maximum esthetic quality of the weld and high mechanical resistance are the particular features of laser welds made with our machines.
Alpacca, Monel, Titanium, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper-Beryllium, Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel, as well as aluminum alloys and many other metals are welded perfectly with our machines.
ElettroLaser markings are characterized by a fiber source that ensures a long working life (approximately 50,000 hours!).
The FiberLUX series makes it possible to perform any type of engraving and marking on any metal.
At high power, the FiberLUX series can also be used for single and automated cutting. Equipped with cutting software entirely developed by ElettroLaser, today FiberLUX is synonymous with quality and the best expression of technology MADE IN ITALY.
Completing the family of markers is the FiberLUX 3D, which can engrave and cut uneven surfaces with a range of cutting focus up to 4cm thanks to its use of a motor-driven Z axis controlled via software.