Laser for marking and welding: everything you need to know about their maintenance

The lasers used for marking and welding are extremely resistant tools, which normally do not require special interventions aimed at replacing components or intervening in a structural way on the machine. This feature guarantees considerable advantages to customers who choose to equip themselves with laser instrumentation, because machines of this type do not require frequent maintenance interventions and therefore do not require prolonged periods of machine downtime necessary to carry out checks or repairs.

Even lasers, however, to remain efficient and performing over time require some small precautions, which include periodic cleaning and checking the status of the most sensitive components. These interventions can be carried out after quite a long time and can be planned well in advance, to meet the needs of customers and not cause delays in processing.

Laser maintenance: components to check

To allow a laser to work well and for a long time, it is important to regularly provide for its general cleaning, which must be carried out with a certain frequency, especially in the case of lasers used for marking activities (the work area, in fact, in that case it gets dirty more easily and must be periodically cleaned to remove the metal residues that are produced during processing).

Ordinary cleaning can be carried out directly by those who use the machine, and it is a rather simple procedure that does not require the disassembly of particular components. Periodically, then, it is advisable to provide for a real extraordinary maintenance intervention, aimed at verifying the correct functioning of some of the most delicate parts of the instrument, such as:

In the case of welding lasers:

  • Alignment and cleaning of the optics, to check the level of accuracy of the shot and possibly intervene to improve it
  • Checking the lamp and, if necessary, replacing it

In the case of laser marking:

  • Cleaning the focusing lens, to remove any fingerprints or dust residues
  • Checking and replacing the aspirator filters
  • Software update (where necessary)

Extraordinary maintenance interventions of this type, which always include a more thorough cleaning of the various components of the instrument, must not be carried out with particular frequency. In general, we can say that it is sufficient to perform them every one and a half / two years, although this term may vary depending on the context in which the machine operates and the quantity of pieces processed per hour. A small laser used sporadically in a goldsmith's workshop, obviously, will require less frequent maintenance than a machine that operates intensively within a production plant, where it is subjected to much more significant work rates.


Elettrolaser maintenance services

Elettrolaser is committed to providing assistance to its customers in the simplest and most immediate way possible. The scheduled extraordinary maintenance interventions are carried out directly at the customer's premises by our specialized technicians sent on site according to an agreed schedule, compatible with the production needs.

If, on the other hand, our customers have any doubts about the operation of the machine or are faced with an unexpected difficulty, we offer a free telephone assistance service at any time. Our technicians can be easily reached by telephone and are able to provide all the necessary support directly, avoiding the involvement of customer service and the opening of assistance tickets. In this way we can provide a faster and more effective service, guaranteeing our customers a quick resumption of activity even in the event of unforeseen problems.


Do you want to know more about Elettrolaser services and the extraordinary maintenance activities necessary to guarantee the correct functioning of our lasers? Contact us now!

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