Choosing laser machines, such as those supplied by Elettrolaser, to carry out marking and welding works is convenient for a long series of reasons, including the ease of use of tools of this type.
In fact, Elettrolaser lasers for marking and welding require a rather short learning curve, also thanks to the presence of user friendly interfaces designed to simplify the activity of operators and to increase the efficiency of the production process, both in an artisan laboratory and on production lines built to process a high number of pieces per minute.
Furthermore, Elettrolaser does not limit itself to supplying its customers with high-performance laser machines, but also personally takes care of the training of operators, to allow every reality to immediately take advantage of all the potential of the laser. Here is what we offer our customers in terms of training, support and assistance!
All customers who choose an Elettrolaser marking machine or welding machine can count on a training course for their operators, carried out directly by our technicians in one or two days, depending on the laser model purchased. The customer can choose whether to follow the online course, using special materials provided by us which will then remain at his disposal and can also be consulted later, or whether to request the intervention of one of our specialized technicians at his office.
During the course all the potentialities of the purchased machine are illustrated, also in relation to the specific processes that the customer must carry out, and according to our experience, within the maximum term of two days the operators are enabled to use the laser in complete autonomy. In case of need (alternation of operators who use the laser, new production needs, any doubts or problems ...) Elettrolaser technicians are still available to arrange further information or any re-training.
Elettrolaser accompanies its customers throughout the entire period of operation of its machines, and remains available to provide quick solutions in case of need.
If our customers need assistance, it is sufficient for them to contact us at any time via WhatsApp and explain their needs: our professionals will respond and try to identify the source of the problem, suggesting possible immediate solutions. If the problem requires the intervention of a technician, we are available to send our staff to the customer's premises. If it is not possible to schedule a live intervention, for logistical, organizational or distance reasons, we are still able to provide assistance even remotely, via video call (in the case of interventions on laser welding machines) or Team Viewer (in the case of marking machines laser). In the latter case, our technicians have the ability to remotely access the customer's machine, to intervene directly and resolve any problems as quickly as possible.
As regards the software component of our machines, we are committed to providing our customers with the most advanced solutions, also managing the updates of the software systems integrated into the lasers. Updates are always free and do not require special interventions by the customer, who is in any case notified in advance of any software changes. If, once the update has been installed, the customer finds it difficult to manage the new interface or the new laser functions, he can request assistance from our technicians using our WhatsApp contact, which will allow us to answer any doubts in real time. or to provide, if necessary, a training session managed by our technicians.